Round table “How to improve budget transparency?”

Following the finalization of a Study “Analysis of budgatary policies and processes from the angle of budget transparency in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, a Round Table was organised in Hotel “Holiday” Sarajevo on December 6, 2022. The Study was prepared under the Project “Improvement of capacities of CSOs for monitoring of public budgets” funded by EU, … Read more

Technical Assistance in preparation of Strategic Platform of the City of Doboj

The City of Doboj has engaged DevCon for provision of technical assistance in preparation of the City’s Strategic Platform, according to the new legal framework on Strategic Planning and Development Management in the Republic of Srpska. The Strategic Platform represents initial step in preparation of the Development Strategy of the City of Doboj 2023 – … Read more

Midterm evaluation of Smart City project

The project Smart City – Towards the Digital Transformation of Cities in BiH, being implemented between January 2021 and December 2023, has the objective to improve the capacities for digital transformation of local communities in BiH. The project is implemented in collaboration between Association BIT Alliance, two private partners – IT companies Lanaco and DVC … Read more

Support Stanari municipality in preparation of strategic and implementation documents

DevCon was engaged by Stanari municipality to deliver a training on preparation of strategic and implementation documents. The training was held on August 4 and 5, 2022, with a goal to introduce municipal personnel to the key elements, approach and the process of preparation of strategic and implementation documents in the Republic of Srpska enabling … Read more

Monitoring procurements in public sector according to BTW methodology

DevCon was asked to provide its expertise in support to implementation of a contract, signed between the Open Society Fund in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Center for the Improvement of Corporate Governance, in connection with implementation the Balkan Tender Watch – BTW Project. This engegement involved monitoring of public procurements processes of selected institutions … Read more

Impact Assessment of Disaster Risk Reduction Programme

Joint Programme Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina – DRR is financed by the Government of Switzerland and the United Nations (UN), implemented by the UN agencies: UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNFPA and FAO, in partnership with domestic authorities. The first phase of the Programme is being implemented from 2019 to June … Read more

Final conference of Cross-border Network of Creative Industries – CREATIVE@CBC Project

Development of Cross-border Network of Creative Infustries – CREATIVE@CBC project is financed under IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme and implemented by Economic Development Agency of the City of Prijedot – PREDA-PD, in collaboration with partners form Montenegro and Croatia. The final conference of the CREATIVE@CBC Project was held in Prijedor of May 31, 2022. The event … Read more

Training on strategy implementation documents

DevCon has been engeged to deliver a training in the field of “Application of the Regulation on (Development Strategy) Implementation Documents in the Republic of Srpska (RS)”. The training, organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Local Administration and Self-Government and Agency for State Administration of RS, was held in Laktaši beteen February 14 and … Read more

Stories from Africa, the Lion Mountain IV

It’s late afternoon. Ginny drives me to the hotel, and Bockarie keeps us company, summing up the working day along the way. I suggest we go for a drink. We stop at Lumley Road, in front of a beach bar named Cuba. The bar is outdoors. Simple inventory. Several canopies with plastic and tin roofs resting on wooden beams driven into the sand, something like a bar, with a barbecue in the background, and an ancient billiard table with several guys gathered around it. I notice they play badly. The plastic tables and chairs are slightly sunk into the soft sandy surface. On one side is the street, on the other the beach and the ocean. Bockarie and I sit at the table closest to the beach, while Ginny orders a drink and returns to the vehicle, which may not be left unattended. My enthusiasm for the ocean and the beach from this morning does not decline. The environment in which I find myself is quite different from the enclosed spaces and limited gardens common in the part of the world I come from. The sun is still strong and high above the sea, but in some unusual way it does not burn on the skin as in my parallel. At Bockarie’s suggestion, I order Guinness, which is produced in a local brewery.

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Stories From Africa, the Lion Mountain III

The ringing of the phone in the room interrupts my focus to work. They’re calling from the reception desk. It’s eleven o’clock. Wasn’t it at 12? Time seems to be a flexible term here, quite different from the one I’m used to. I put on my shoes and jacket, take my bag and quickly go out. In front of the building my driver Ginny waits for me together with Bockarie, an excellent specialist in development projects, human rights and economic development. I heard from him several times in preparation for my mission and felt somehow happy to be able to work with a man whose African experience is comparable to my European one. I see him for the first time in person. He’s a little older than me. He is thin, but bony and strong. Pleasant smile. Feeling like we’ve known each other for a long time. We hugged in greeting.

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