Assessment of Digital Maturity of Enterprises

Under the REPRO-DI Project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Development Agency of the City of Prijedor – PREDA, DevCon was engaged to preform assessment of digital maturity of enterprises in the sector of wood processing and furniture industry in the period between beginning of June and end of July 2004.

The assessment of digital maturity involved 26 enterprises in the local communities of Prijedor, Banja Luka, Gradiška, Kozarska Dubica and Novi Grad. As a first step, the assessment methodology involved self-assessment of digital maturity through a web-based questionnaire and was followed by the interviews with relevant personnel in the enterprises.

The assessment findings show that the average digital maturity of the sector is 33%, ranging between 0% for the least digitally mature to 61% for the most digitally advanced enterprise from the research sample.

The extent of the fulfillment of each of the ten assessment criteria (in percentage) is shown in the following graph.

The most fulfilled criteria relates to the use of software supporting the business functions, while the least fulfilled is the one related to digital connectivity with business partners.

The findings of the study were presented to main stakeholders at a thematic workshop held on July 30, 2024 including the developed policy interventions aimed at support digitalization of enterprise sector aligned with the Development Strategy of the City of Prijedor.

The study is available here:

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