Development of Cross-border Network of Creative Infustries – CREATIVE@CBC project is financed under IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme and implemented by Economic Development Agency of the City of Prijedot – PREDA-PD, in collaboration with partners form Montenegro and Croatia.
The final conference of the CREATIVE@CBC Project was held in Prijedor of May 31, 2022. The event was utilized to present the project results achieved during the previous two years, as well as for promotion of the potentials of creative industries. The key output results of the project involved new infrastructure to support the development of the creative industries in the form of Creative Centers in Prijedor, Novska and Podgorica, equipped with CNC equipment, 3D devices, IT and photo/video equipment, as well as the formed cross-border network of the creative industries itself.

DevCon took a part in the final conference of the Project providing presentation on the creative industries, their regional charcteristics and the importance of these industries for the City of Prijedor. This presentation was based on the outcomes of a study “Analysis of cultural and creative industries of Prijedor (BiH), Podgorica (Montenegro) and Sisak-moslovina County (Croatia)” prepared during 2021, with participation of Mr. MiÅ¡el Pavlica, as a part of implementation of activities under the scope of CREATIVE@CBC project.